
Write For Scooper, Get Your Ideas

Published and Paid!

Welcome to join Scooper's writer project PostNow.
Once your application is approved, you are able to publish news articles and blogs on Scooper, covering various fields and topics.
Our payment is $0.8 for each published article.

Creator Application Form

We will verify your identity before you join.

  • Full Name *
    Please enter your full name.
  • Country *
    Please enter your country.
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    Please enter the verification code.
  • Please enter the verification code.
  • Phone Number *
    Invalid mobile phone number, please re-enter.
  • Please enter the verification code.
  • Email Address *
    Please enter your email address.
  • Career/Job *
    Please enter your career/job.
  • Apply For *
    Article Writer
    Video Creator
    Please enter your language.
  • Writing Experience *
    Please describe your writing experience to help us know you better.
  • Upload Work *
    Upload Video File
    Video Link
    Please provide one of your writing sample by uploading a file(word/pdf/txt).
    Your writing sample should be original and similar with the content on Scooper APP.
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